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Professional Pet Sitting &
Dog Walking Services In Miami


Are you heading back to the office? Hire the best dog walking service in Palmetty Bay for your pups! As the world gradually returns to its pre-pandemic pace, many of us in **Palmetto Bay and Pinecrest** are transitioning back to office life. But what about our furry friends who’ve grown accustomed to our constant presence at home? Enter the professional dog walker. Equipaws Pet Services, a trusted name among dog walking services in Palmetto Bay […]
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*We independently evaluate all recommended products and services based on personal use and recommendations from clients and sitters. If you click on the links we provide, we may receive compensation. Discover the Best Pet-Friendly Cleaning Products for a Pristine Home As devoted pet lovers at Equipaws Pet Services, we understand the importance of maintaining a clean and pet-friendly home environment. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of our favorite pet-friendly cleaning products to help you keep […]
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Yorkies: Make Dog Walking Services a Part of Their Routine! Yorkies may seem like they are low maintenance due to their small size, but they still need daily walks and exercise! There are various dog walking services here in Miami, Florida that can be tailored to your Yorkie’s needs. Exercise has many benefits such as improved overall physical health, reduced stress and anxiety, better behavior, and a stronger bond with their owner. Plus, daily walks […]
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Pet Hurricane Preparedness: Hurricane Readiness Guide 2023 As we enter hurricane season, spanning June 1st to November 30th, and most active in August and September, it’s vital to ensure you and your pets are well-prepared.  Do you have your hurricane supplies ready for you and your pets? It’s easy to start preparing today if you aren’t ready by purchasing items each time you go to the market or online. You don’t want to wait until […]
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How to play with your indoor cat! At Equipaws, a lot of our pack is comprised of pups (and a few bipeds), but we also have kitties in the family! As such, this blog is for our feline pals and their parents, who know that bringing a cat into their home is a significant commitment. We want  to help you provide a happy and healthy environment for your cat, not only for the cat’s sake, […]
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*We independently evaluate all recommended products and services based on personal use and recommendations from clients and sitters. If you click on links we provide, we may receive compensation. Best dog raincoats and jackets, based on reviews!  We’ve had dogs our whole lives (we have photos with us as babies in diapers sitting next to our beloved family Afghans, Sasha and Marushka!), but we’ve never had such picky ones when it comes to rain until […]
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The Fourth of July can be really scary for your pets and July 4th and 5th are some of the busiest days in animal shelters and vet clinics. The fireworks stress dogs out and make pets more likely to bolt in fear, causing injuries or heartache when you can’t find them.  Please follow these tips to keep your pets safe this Independence Day! Ten Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe on Independence Day: Check your […]
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How to Prevent Heat Stroke in Dogs We’ve been walking dogs in Miami for over eleven years, and the summers just keep getting hotter. Ensuring our clients’ dogs are safe during our notoriously hot weather is a MUST. That’s why our dog walkers are trained to prevent heatstroke by knowing the types and symptoms of heat injury.  They are also trained in how to keep dogs well-hydrated and instructed to keep them in the shade, […]
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Hi, dear dog walking clients! It’s the rainy season in Miami, so this is a reminder of our rainy-day dog-walking practices! We walk dogs rain or shine, barring hurricanes, lightning, or other acts of nature. If our team members see lightning, they will take your dogs out for a quick potty break, do their best to get them to go #1 and #2, and then bring your dogs back in to get a delicious towel […]
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Join us for an AKC Fit Dog Walk & Happy Hour in South Miami! We’re excited that Happy with Dogs is joining us at our Sip & Stroll! Happy with Dogs, an AKC Fit Dog Club and local dog training company, will lead an 𝐀𝐊𝐂 𝐅𝐢𝐭 𝐃𝐨𝐠 𝗪𝐚𝐥𝐤 in South Miami on June 8 with us! Walking is a safe activity that improves muscular strength, circulation, memory and weight loss, increases energy, helps with sleep, […]
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Goldendoodles: Make Dog Walking Services a Part of Their Routine! Do you own a Goldendoodle but have little to no time to take them for daily walks or to fill their exercise needs? There are many varieties of dog walking services tailored to your Doodle’s requirements if you live in Miami (Florida, not Ohio!). Exercise provides so many benefits for dogs, including improved physical health, reduced stress and anxiety, better behavior, and strengthened bonds with […]
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What is kennel cough? Kennel cough is a highly contagious respiratory disease. Dogs commonly contract kennel cough at places where large numbers of dogs are together, such as boarding and daycare facilities, dog parks, training groups, and dog shows. This disease can be spread through airborne droplets, direct contact (such as their noses touching each other), or contaminated surfaces (including food and water bowls). Kennel cough can be treated in most dogs, but can be […]
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What is Feline Immunodeficiency Virus? Cat parents should be aware of not only the day-to-day health issues they may encounter with their kitties (such as hair balls, not getting enough water). There are also some less common and more unfamiliar health issues that we hope our beloved kitties won’t have to deal with. In the next couple of posts, we will explore some common feline diseases that you may not have heard of, including Feline […]
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Feline Diabetes Feline diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, is a condition in which a cat’s body cannot properly produce or respond to insulin, resulting in elevated levels of glucose in the blood. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment of feline diabetes. Causes of Feline Diabetes: There are two types of diabetes in cats. Type I occurs when there is a decrease in insulin production, while Type II occurs when cells […]
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Is Catnip Safe for Cats? The short answer is yes, catnip is perfectly safe for your cats! New cat parents sometimes voice concerns that their cat gets loopy when they give them catnip, and some realize that catnip doesn’t do anything for their kitties. Let’s dive deeper into what catnip is and how it affects cats! What is Catnip? Catnip is a perennial herb from the mint family that originated in Northern Africa and the […]
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