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Professional Pet Sitting &
Dog Walking Services In Miami

Dog walker

Does Your Dog Actually Need a Dog Walker? Does your dog actually need a dog walker, or can they wait for you to come home and maybe walk them? We live in a very fast-paced world where our schedules are filled with work, meetings, errands, time away from home, and more. Our hectic schedules can make it challenging for us to devote enough time to our dogs. We find ourselves squeezing in quick potty breaks […]
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How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Dog Walker in Miami? The first question we get after a dog parent finds out that we offer dog walking services is how it works: how many times a week do our dog walkers visit their pups and how long the walks are? The second question is how much hiring a dog walker will cost.Ā  In Miami, hiring a dog walker will generally cost between $17-35 per […]
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Do Not Use Retractable Leashes- Ever! If you are familiar with the Equipaws dog walking policies and procedures, you know that we do not use retractable leashes – ever! We will ask clients to provide a standard leash for our use, or use our own leashes with clients who only have retractable leashes available. Why do we avoid them so fervently? We have decided to write up this blog highlighting a few of our reasons. […]
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What should you do with your pets if you or a family member becomes infected with Coronavirus? The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) have specific instructions and resources for us. Read below. First: Can Pets Catch or Transmit the Coronavirus? While the first infections of COVID-19 were linked to the live animal market in Wuhan, China, and while the virus spreads among people, […]
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The Top 10 Benefits of Hiring a Pet Sitter: Also known as: why we rock!Ā Pet sitters are valuable for oh so many reasons (take it from one!). Weā€™ve compiled ten of the most compelling reasons here for you as a sort of cheat sheet. Enjoy! 1. Your pets remain comfortable at home in their safe, secure environment surrounded by familiar sights, smells and sounds 2. We follow your petsā€™ regular diet and exercise routines and […]
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