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Pet Health

The holidays are a particularly hazardous time for pets. While most pet parents know to keep their dogs and cats away from the usual suspects like raisins, grapes, and dark chocolate, some may not be aware of the dangers of coffee grounds and coffee beans.
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Today’s Pet Fitness Tip is for kitty lovers. If your cat’s third eye, or nictitating membrane, is persistently visible, it may be suffering from an illness or an injury from a fight. Your best bet? Take kitty to the vet!! Frankie BertiA founding member of the Equipaws family, Frankie can mostly be found working behind the scenes, helping co-create online branding, managing several social media accounts, designing brand collateral, writing copy, and managing events. She […]
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Caring for your senior dog In today’s world of advanced veterinary care, pets are living longer and healthier lives. With that longevity, inevitably there will be age related issues that are unavoidable. Caring for your pet once their advanced age shows symptoms, will require patience and understanding the issues you face. Senior pets require more frequent trips to the veterinarian- expect to see them twice a year. This is extremely helpful in detecting signs of […]
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When to take your dog to the veterinarian for vomiting Vomiting. We all know that sound, especially when it happens in the middle of the night and your dog is sleeping on your bed. There are many, many reasons a dog can develop vomiting. It’s not always a reason to go to the vet, but it is always something to monitor because it can be a symptom of many health issues. Reasons a dog vomits: […]
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It’s Pet Pain Awareness Month We wish our pets could talk to us for so many reasons- but especially when we want to know if they’re in pain or why they feel sick. Often our pets suffer in silence, and sometimes we as pet parents don’t notice subtle changes in their behavior that indicate pain. Sometimes we write it off as a by-product of aging. Heck, you know some of us get cranky with age! […]
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An ounce of prevention… Many people wonder how often they should take their pets to the vet.  Some pet parents take their pets yearly. Others, quite honestly, sometimes let a couple of years or more go by between visits. Life happens, but it’s very important to keep your pets on their recommended veterinary schedule! Your veterinary visit schedule will vary by species, age, temperament and especially health and history.  But, the bottom line is that […]
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Dogs are animals that work by nature; whatever their breed (or mix!), every dog was bred with a working purpose! Because the majority of dogs are naturally active, it’s important that they get the appropriate amount of exercise or be given work. Even those cute lap dogs who make great couch potato companions need to exercise if we want them to stay fit, healthy, and happy for years to come. You owe it to your […]
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Happy Fourth of July Weekend! The Fourth of July is one of our favorite holidays here at Equipaws Pet Services. In our humble opinion, taking care of our clients’ pets in between bites of barbecue, watermelon, and sips of lemonade is one of the best ways to spend this weekend. Because we accompany many pets on this holiday, we know firsthand how frightening can be for them. Even the bravest alpha dog may be affected by […]
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How to Prevent Heat Stroke in Dogs: We walk and run dogs in Miami for a living. Making sure our precious pups are safe during our notoriously hot weather is a MUST. That’s why our dog walkers and runners are trained to prevent heatstroke by knowing the types and symptoms of heat injury. They are also trained in how to keep dogs well-hydrated and instructed to keep them to the shade, off the asphalt, and […]
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What is a Bufo Toad and why is it dangerous? Bufo toads are toxic, and even deadly, to our dogs and cats. Bufo toads come out to play when it’s warm and rainy, which is almost year-round in Miami.  Also known as Cane toads, we’ve caught these fat amphibians lurking under bushes during dog walks, or creeping toward dog bowls full of water and dog or cat food on our late night pet sits. Just […]
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We all love water and here in South Florida we have so many dog-friendly beaches and waterfronts to enjoy, from Hobe Beach to the Keys. Just like some humans, not all puppies and dogs know how to swim at all. There are some who know how to navigate water as an instinct (some do it more gracefully than others), but they all depend on us to keep them safe. In addition to that, not all […]
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Many of us are isolating and following guidelines to stay home. With more time to kill, I am seeing so many people and families out walking and running and getting much-needed exercise. A lot of times they are taking their pets with them. While our pets are undoubtedly enjoying this extra attention and activity, please remember that this is a big change for them as well. They are used to sleeping in the cool house […]
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What should you do with your pets if you or a family member becomes infected with Coronavirus? The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) have specific instructions and resources for us. Read below. First: Can Pets Catch or Transmit the Coronavirus? While the first infections of COVID-19 were linked to the live animal market in Wuhan, China, and while the virus spreads among people, […]
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It’s important to keep your home clean and disinfected in order to protect yourselves and your pets. According to the Centers for Disease Control, “community members can practice routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces (for example: tables, doorknobs, light switches, handles, desks, toilets, faucets, sinks) with household cleaners and EPA-registered disinfectants that are appropriate for the surface, following label instructions, and more. Some of us may become infected with COVID-19. These are the general recommendations […]
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Safe Fruits and Veggies for Your Pet It can be hard to resist giving the sad-eyed pup at your heels or the purring kitty rubbing against your leg a tasty human treat. Luckily, not all human foods need to be banned from our pets’ diets. Fruits and veggies can have many benefits for your pets’ health. The key is to know what fruits and veggies are safe for your pet and which can be dangerous. […]
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