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Pet Home Health Care

Who needs pet home health care? As much as we try to keep them healthy and safe, our pets may experience disease, accidents, or certain illnesses that will require extra care, such as administration of fluid, insulin for diabetes, or rehab and wound care. Our dogs and cats are getting the best in medicine these days. Dogs and cats are fortunate that veterinary medicine has advanced as much as it has. From diabetes detection to […]
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Caring for your senior dog In today’s world of advanced veterinary care, pets are living longer and healthier lives. With that longevity, inevitably there will be age related issues that are unavoidable. Caring for your pet once their advanced age shows symptoms, will require patience and understanding the issues you face. Senior pets require more frequent trips to the veterinarian- expect to see them twice a year. This is extremely helpful in detecting signs of […]
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It’s Pet Pain Awareness Month We wish our pets could talk to us for so many reasons- but especially when we want to know if they’re in pain or why they feel sick. Often our pets suffer in silence, and sometimes we as pet parents don’t notice subtle changes in their behavior that indicate pain. Sometimes we write it off as a by-product of aging. Heck, you know some of us get cranky with age! […]
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What Takes so Darn Long Waiting Curbside at the Vet? Time well spent If you’re headed to the veterinarian, be prepared to wait in the car. There are many reasons your wait may seem so long- be kind and keep this in mind when the staff come to your car. The vet techs and clinic staff are essential workers, and this is their new norm: running back and forth to the parking lot in 90 […]
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Sometimes you need help following your veterinarians’ treatment plan.  Many of you all are staying home working remotely, which means you notice health issues with your pets more frequently since you’re around them much more. No wonder veterinary visits are at an all time high! Most veterinary clinics in Miami are curbside, making taking them to the vet a little tough when it comes to understanding treatment plans, but we still need to be diligent […]
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