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pet home health care

Who needs pet home health care? As much as we try to keep them healthy and safe, our pets may experience disease, accidents, or certain illnesses that will require extra care, such as administration of fluid, insulin for diabetes, or rehab and wound care. Our dogs and cats are getting the best in medicine these days. Dogs and cats are fortunate that veterinary medicine has advanced as much as it has. From diabetes detection to […]
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Caring for your senior dog In today’s world of advanced veterinary care, pets are living longer and healthier lives. With that longevity, inevitably there will be age related issues that are unavoidable. Caring for your pet once their advanced age shows symptoms, will require patience and understanding the issues you face. Senior pets require more frequent trips to the veterinarian- expect to see them twice a year. This is extremely helpful in detecting signs of […]
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When to take your dog to the veterinarian for vomiting Vomiting. We all know that sound, especially when it happens in the middle of the night and your dog is sleeping on your bed. There are many, many reasons a dog can develop vomiting. It’s not always a reason to go to the vet, but it is always something to monitor because it can be a symptom of many health issues. Reasons a dog vomits: […]
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An ounce of prevention… Many people wonder how often they should take their pets to the vet.  Some pet parents take their pets yearly. Others, quite honestly, sometimes let a couple of years or more go by between visits. Life happens, but it’s very important to keep your pets on their recommended veterinary schedule! Your veterinary visit schedule will vary by species, age, temperament and especially health and history.  But, the bottom line is that […]
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