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Pet Safety

Toxic Thanksgiving Day Foods for Pets: A Guide to Keep Your Pets Safe Thanksgiving is about sharing love and friendship—naturally, we want to include our pets! However, we all know that some Thanksgiving foods can harm dogs and cats. Here’s your updated, quick guide on what’s safe to share and what’s best kept away. First, the yummy stuff! Thanksgiving Foods Pets Can Enjoy in Moderation If you want to give your pets a special treat, […]
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How to Keep Pets Safe During the Fourth of July Fireworks The Fourth of July is a festive holiday for us humans, but it can be stressful and dangerous for pets (and one of the busiest days at shelters and vet clinics). We’re here to help you keep your furry family safe, comfortable, and calm throughout our Independence Day celebrations. Understanding the Impact of Fireworks on Pets Why Fireworks are Scary for Pets Fireworks are […]
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The Fourth of July can be really scary for your pets and July 4th and 5th are some of the busiest days in animal shelters and vet clinics. The fireworks stress dogs out and make pets more likely to bolt in fear, causing injuries or heartache when you can’t find them.  Please follow these tips to keep your pets safe this Independence Day! Ten Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe on Independence Day: Check your […]
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Are you celebrating New Year’s Eve at home and inviting guests over? If you have pets, please make sure your guests are on the same page as you are! Let them gently know that you have rules in place to make sure your pets and kids are safe.  If you’re grilling outdoors, make sure your pets are not getting into any of the fatty foods typical to these celebrations. There are so many tempting dishes- […]
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New Year’s Eve is a time for celebration, but it can also be a stressful and dangerous time for pets, particularly cats and dogs. The loud noises and fireworks that often accompany the holiday can be scary and disorienting for animals, and the risk of accidents or escapes is higher than usual due to the increased activity and potential for open doors. Here are a few tips to help keep your cats and dogs safe […]
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