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Cat sitting

How to play with your indoor cat! At Equipaws, a lot of our pack is comprised of pups (and a few bipeds), but we also have kitties in the family! As such, this blog is for our feline pals and their parents, who know that bringing a cat into their home is a significant commitment. We want  to help you provide a happy and healthy environment for your cat, not only for the cat’s sake, […]
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What is Feline Immunodeficiency Virus? Cat parents should be aware of not only the day-to-day health issues they may encounter with their kitties (such as hair balls, not getting enough water). There are also some less common and more unfamiliar health issues that we hope our beloved kitties won’t have to deal with. In the next couple of posts, we will explore some common feline diseases that you may not have heard of, including Feline […]
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Don’t punish your cat! As cat people and cat sitters, we do NOT punish cats. We address causes first to correct behavior. Punishing a cat can stress them out, make them feel frightened, worsen problems, and destroy the trust and bond they have with you. It’s helpful to think of them the way you would a human child- there is a reason they are “acting out.” They are responding to something in their lives or […]
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Cat Sitting Do’s: We have a LOT of experience cat sitting in Miami and after lots of exposure to our feline friends, we’ve come up with some important do’s for every cat sitter, cat parent, or cat lover to follow. Cats are often misunderstood not just in the sense that people think they are cold and unaffectionate, but also in the way that many people also think that they can be left alone for long […]
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10 Cat sitting don’ts! We have a LOT of experience cat sitting in Miami and after lots of exposure to our feline friends, we’ve come up with some important don’ts for every cat lover to follow. Cats are often misunderstood not just in the sense that people think they are all cold and unaffectionate… Many people also think that they can be left alone for long periods of time because they are self-sufficient, that they’re […]
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Seven reasons you should not leave cat home alone on vacation  If you could ask your cat, what do you think they would say?  We think they would say different things than you think.  Do you think you have an independent cat? We think you have a cool cat. Being in veterinary medicine and Pet Home Health Care for over 2 decades, Lory Nelson Brunner, our Director of Home Health Care, has learned a lot […]
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