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Running with the Pack: The Rise of the Dog Runner

Equipaws Pet Services’s Pet Sitter Writes about the Rise of Dog Running

We’d like to congratulate pack member Frankie Berti, Equipaws Pet Services’ social media go-to, copy writer, and pet sitter. She was recently published in the Winter 2012-2013 issue of Professional Pet Sitter, a publication of the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (NAPPS). We’re proud to belong to the Association, which provides invaluable support and educates pet sitters around the country.

Her article, “Running with the Pack: The Rise of the Dog Runner,” explores the increased incidence of pet sitters running dogs instead of simply walking them around the block, and talks about the benefits dogs get from faster-paced exercise. From the first page:

Along with this urge to lavish the best on our pets, the number of people who have dogs in their homes has increased. Not only that, but dogs have become a living, friendly, wagging means to better your own health while taking care of your pup. With all this in mind, it is not surprising that the newest trend in dog care is the rise of the dog runner. Is the pet sitting industry about to experience a change in the way dogs are exercised?

Inspired by Dog Running at Home

Writing the article was a natural extension to working with owner Flavia at  Equipaws Pet Services, whose mission is to keep pets fit, healthy, and happy. Dog exercise, from walking to all out running, is a core service offered by the company.

“I was inspired by my sister for this article. She’s always loved to run (she’s made awesome times for the ING Half Marathon!). She started running with dogs a couple of years ago and keeps learning more about it daily. I’ve seen how much dogs love the extra activity thanks to her and in my own experience, and wanted to share that with the pet sitting world,” says Frankie.

Flavia and Frankie have observed that some dogs prefer running over walking. “You know there are some dogs that can keep running all night- you can’t get them to stop! So, there are real benefits to running over walking for them, because they get to expend more energy.  And, get this- dogs get a runner’s high, much like humans do when we run for a long time,” Frankie continues.

“I’d say running definitely has its place for many breeds, like German Shorthaired Pointers and Catahoula Leopard dogs. I hope every dog owner reading this article considers running for their adult dogs… of course, only if it’s appropriate!”

Please enjoy the article below, and give us a call at 305.794.3733 or email us if you’d like to set up a consultation for dog runs or walks for your dogs!

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