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Two Fun Ways to Help Miami’s Pets’ Trust

Pet sitters experience the consequences of not spaying and neutering cats and dogs first-hand. Our clients often contact us before anyone else when they come across a stray in need of help, food, and home, and we welcome that trust. As much as we want to help every cat, dog, or even bunny, we don’t always find a good home for them. And that hurts.

Luckily for the animals of Miami-Dade County, animal rescue groups and animal advocates have joined together this year to create a single, dedicated source of funding to help affordable spaying and neutering- in effect, preventing one of the main causes of pet overpopulation. It’s called the Pets’ Trust, and it’s very much needed in our community!

What does the Pets’ Trust Do?

The Pets’ Trust has proposed legislation to create a dedicated source of public funding to support free and low-cost spaying and neutering around the county. It would also support low-cost veterinary care, pet adoption and retention programs, as well as educational programs. The average Miami-Dade home owner would pay about $20 a year. This issue is close to our hearts: all four members of my pack are rescues, so I want to show appreciation for the people who helped save them by volunteering at the fundraisers and getting awareness about the impending vote out: Vote YES on #240 on November 6!

Fun for a Good Cause:

The Pets’ Trust has a busy time fundraising and spreading the word this year. You can join them for this Saturday’s Art auction (pictured), or for their Annual Howl-o-ween at Pinecrest Gardens on Sunday, October 28th , 2012, benefiting Friends Forever Humane Society and Pets’ Trust Miami. This is the ONLY time during the year that the gardens open up to families with their pets. And, bonus! The South Florida Calendar Firefighters will be at Howl-o-ween to ‘rock the runway’ with rescue dogs. It’s going to be a fun time with tons of pet owners and Miami citizens enjoying the sun, the costumes, the runway, and the food! Hope to see you there!

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