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Professional Pet Sitting &
Dog Walking Services In Miami

Equipaws Pet Services

Happy Hump Day! Did you know that dogs can smile? We know because they love, love, love going on dog walks (or runs) with us. Exactly like Buddy, here! He’s a lucky English Lab rescued recently by his awesome mom; she loves him so much she’s hired our dog walkers to run with him not once, but four times a week! His runs keep him smiling and in great shape, too. If you want your […]
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Join Miami’s Pet Sitters and their Dogs for DOGA! We are always looking to expand our dog clients’ playtime horizons in Miami. That’s where dogs, pet sitters, and yoga come in! We invite you to join us for DOGA this Saturday, May 11, at Corpo Yoga Studio in South Miami for an afternoon session of calming yoga. What is DOGA, you ask? It’s your dog + yoga, a fun way to enhance our canine-human bond […]
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Dogs and summer in Miami make for a great time, minus the hurricane headaches. Are you and your pets prepared for the Atlantic hurricane season? Your pet sitters want to help you and your pets prepare for whatever comes at us between now and November 30. Breaking It Down: Find Your Pet Evacuation Center It’s a fact: it’s really, really hard to keep your head straight and cover every detail needed when those hurricane watches […]
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Pet Waste Bags Miami Should Love! Earlier this morning I was running Giro, my Portuguese Pointer buddy in Miami (check him out on our Facebook page-adorable!). He ended up doing his business in front of an older lady,  who  thanked me for picking up after him.  It’s not the first time someone has actually stopped me to thank me for that.  It seems like too many people in Miami don’t pick up after their pet! It […]
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