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Professional Pet Sitting &
Dog Walking Services In Miami

dog running Miami

Dogs are animals that work by nature; whatever their breed (or mix!), every dog was bred with a working purpose! Because the majority of dogs are naturally active, it’s important that they get the appropriate amount of exercise or be given work. Even those cute lap dogs who make great couch potato companions need to exercise if we want them to stay fit, healthy, and happy for years to come. You owe it to your […]
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Happy Hump Day! Did you know that dogs can smile? We know because they love, love, love going on dog walks (or runs) with us. Exactly like Buddy, here! He’s a lucky English Lab rescued recently by his awesome mom; she loves him so much she’s hired our dog walkers to run with him not once, but four times a week! His runs keep him smiling and in great shape, too. If you want your […]
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We are so excited for 2014! We are hiring truly wonderful dog walkers and dog runners in Miami who are ready and very happy to become our clients’ pups’ friends and companions in great health. We will be introducing them on our staff, Facebook, and Google + pages soon, but rest-assured, these wonderful dog walkers are animal lovers and have completely won over our trust. Your pups will be as happy as Dylan and Winston […]
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School Starts Today in Miami-Dade… Is Your Dog Ready? We all work a ton, which means we’re away from our dogs a bit longer than we’re happy to admit. And now that summer is over and school is starting in Miami, everyone is gearing up for days packed with activity (or extra traffic if you don’t have kids)… everyone except your pets! What do you think they do while you’re gone all day? I can […]
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