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Hurricane Relief: Donation Drive for the Pets of Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico donations for pets

Hurricane Relief: Donation Drive for the Pets of Puerto Rico

Equipaws Pet Services has joined with several pet care companies in Miami to collect donations for the pets of Puerto Rico after the devastating hurricanes wiped out the island’s infrastructure.

We will be dividing donations between two rescues. They will be picking up the donations themselves which is key:

1) Santuario de Animales San Francisco de Asís, Inc.

2) El Foster Club.

All donations can be brought to our South Miami office with the bar codes blacked out. All donations need to be boxed and labeled “Donations.” The rescues in Puerto Rico are asking for cages, crates, food, medicine, bedding, etc.

If you purchase food and supplies they will be taken to Puerto Rico to those two contacts. Take a look at this list for ideas:…/1TQQQATXAQ2…/ref=cm_sw_em_r_d_g__wb
Anything you order on this list will be shipped to our mailbox.

How to drop off donations:

You can drop off donations physically at our South Miami office, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., from Monday through Saturday. If we are not in (pups must be walked!), please leave the donation at our door.

Equipaws Pet Services
7210 Red Road, STE 203
Miami, FL 33143

You can also physically drop off donations at:
Applause Your Paws, Inc.
4423 SW 74 Ave
Miami, FL 33155

Thanks to all and to our friends for being part of this donation drive: Miami Pet Concierge, Carla’s Doggy Grooming, Best in Show, Cadence K9, Applause Your Paws, and Pet Wants Miami; and all of our clients and their clients as well. We’ve sent over thousands of dollars’ worth of supplies already thanks to your help.

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