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How Does BarkBox Work? Our Pet Sitter Reviews the Popular Gift.

dog treats

Bark Box: The Perfect Gift for your Pooch! *

Being an animal lover and long-time pet sitter, you see the bond and love created from owner to pet.  These days pooches are receiving the full treatment: spa days, play dates, boutique treats and toys….endless amounts of colorful, creative, sensory-overloading toys!  I see trunks, boxes and piles of toys in every household.  This may seem like a simple question, but where do the toys come from?  How do you know what your beloved animal likes?  Are the toys safe?  These questions were on my mind as I was perusing Facebook.  My normal pop-up ads of clothes and cosmetics have slowly transitioned into animal ads based on my recent employment with Equipaws Pet Services.  A new advertisement sparked my interest called BarkBox; a monthly goody box tailored specifically for your pet.

It turns out online shopping has gone to the dogs!  The more I researched the more sites I found, but the original ad I saw for Bark Box stood out among the rest.  Bark & Co. is a New York-based company, founded by three pet owners, Matt Meeker, Henrik Werdelin, and Carly Strife, and it has hit the ground running with their company website Barkbox.com.  They offer a monthly Bark Box that is comprised of unique toys, all-natural treats, and pet products.  All products are 100% animal (and human) tested, based on years of collected feedback from real world users.  The mission statement behind Bark Box is “dedicated to building products that foster the health and happiness of dogs everywhere.”

How Bark Box Works:

1 – Choose the size of dog you are tailoring your gift set too (small, medium or large).

2 – Choose a plan (varies per month – starting at $29.00 to $228.00, includes free shipping and you may cancel your membership at anytime).

3 – Each box ships on the 15th of every month and 10% of profits go to dog rescues around the country.

The company goes above and beyond to provide the best service for your pet.  If your pet turns their snout to a toy, Bark Box offers an exchange program – Scouts Honor!   Also, for spreading the word Bark Box has a reward program for all referrals.  Any customers who refer Bark Box receive one free monthly gift box.  To top it off, you may order boxes that are allergy sensitive.  Treats can come wheat, corn and soy free to aid any allergies your pet may have.

The website is welcoming, professional and easy to guide yourself.  It offers a variety of tools including:

  • Bark Post: You can read the latest on animal events, news and even post pictures and videos of your own adored pet.  A place where your questions are answered.
  • Bark Buddy: Similar to a dating website, Bark Buddy provides an adoption app for finding the perfect pooch for you.  Connecting you with pups who need a new home!
  • Barkgood Team:Provides education to new pet owners who have recently adopted and supports new pet parents with the right tools to start the experience off right.

Bark Box is spreading their love from coast to coast.  This past year in New York, NY Bark Box sponsored an Every Dog Adoption, partnering with AC & C of New York City where every new pet owner received a Bark Box to help the new pups and parents get off on the right paw.  In Los Angeles, CA they “organized adoption pop ups” and the “Bark Buddy teams placed over 47 dogs from high risk shelters in furever homes!”  In addition rescues, shelters and non-profits can register on the website requesting help from the Barkgood Team.

Other Recommendations for Specific Occasions and Pups:

  • Poochpartypacks.com- they Provide a party in a box for any dog, all shapes and sizes, complete with grooming and hygiene products to get your dog ready for the party.
  • FreddiesFinds.com – small dog tested and approved.
  • TrueDrool.com- boxe-breed approved, a gift box for big dogs.

Many websites offer to work with small business owners, promoting and showcasing their latest treats and products.  Also, websites have Pay it or “Paw It” forward where you can send a gift box to a friend or to dog rescues!

If you are a dog lover, gift giver or small business owner this is a wonderful gateway into the online arena of safe and satisfying pet products.  At the end of the day no dog (or pet) shall go unloved without a toy of it’s own.  To all pet lovers out there – Happy Shopping!

*This post was written by Meghan, one of our pet sitters in Brickell, FL. We’re glad to have her perspective on this great gift for pets; we hope you enjoyed it too!

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