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thanksgiving food dogs and cats can eat

Toxic Thanksgiving Day Foods for Pets: A Guide to Keep Your Pets Safe Thanksgiving is about sharing love and friendship—naturally, we want to include our pets! However, we all know that some Thanksgiving foods can harm dogs and cats. Here’s your updated, quick guide on what’s safe to share and what’s best kept away. First, the yummy stuff! Thanksgiving Foods Pets Can Enjoy in Moderation If you want to give your pets a special treat, […]
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Toxic Thanksgiving Day Foods for Pets Thanksgiving is all about sharing love and friendship. Of course we want to indulge in one of our tastiest holidays with our dogs and cats, but you must be careful of the foods dogs and cats can’t eat. Use our quick guide for a list of what is, and is not, cat- and dog-friendly people food on Thanksgiving Day. Doggy (and Kitty) Don’ts: Onions, garlic, chives, and leeks are off-limits to […]
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