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pet poison tips

National Pet Poison Prevention Week: Top 10 Pet Poisons and How to Keep Your Pets Safe If you look under your sinks and in your cupboards, you’ll likely find multiple harmful products and poisons that could hurt or kill your pets. National Animal Poison Prevention Week is formally observed from March 17-23 and helps remind us pet parents to poison-proof our homes against common household dangers to our pets. Dogs, cats, and other little critters […]
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What is a Bufo Toad and why is it dangerous? Bufo toads are toxic, and even deadly, to our dogs and cats. Bufo toads come out to play when it’s warm and rainy, which is almost year-round in Miami.  Also known as Cane toads, we’ve caught these fat amphibians lurking under bushes during dog walks, or creeping toward dog bowls full of water and dog or cat food on our late night pet sits. Just […]
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