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Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Pet New Year, new you, new routine!  The New Year is a chance for a fresh perspective to better ourselves and our future, but you aren’t the only one in the household who could use a change for the better with fresh New Year’s resolutions. Our pet’s routine, health and overall character deserve a chance at improvement too. Here are ten ways to enhance your pet’s well being […]
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Fostering dogs and cats is a great way to help save a sweet, deserving life, but can seem daunting for those who have never been through the journey. One of our pet sitting clients fosters Boxers, in addition to having a wonderful furry family (we pet sit for little Bianca, their beautiful white Boxer in the photo). The Vargas’s recently welcomed one of their foster dogs, Jeter, as a permanent member of their family. Elizabeth was […]
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