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Animal Crackers Miami

  Spotlight Blog: Animal Crackers Owner: JJ Diaz Animal Crackers is a Miami-based pet business that offers premium, all-natural and organic foods, supplements, toys, accessories, and grooming services for your pet. Founder JJ Diaz has been operating Animal Crackers out of his downtown location since October 2010. We’ve known him for years- his advice helped us calm our beautiful sharpei’s skin allergies when no amount of testing and veterinary visits helped, and he’s helped countless […]
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It’s that time of the year again!  With Valentine’s Day approaching, we hope you’re taking advantage of the opportunity and making big plans to show your pets how much you love them!   …Within reason, of course.   We all know full well that no one loves us like our pets do.  From nudging our hands off of our keyboards with their snouts, and onto their heads for petting with one smooth motion, to curling up silently beside […]
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