Rosa’s dearest memories date back to weekends spent picking up eggs, caressing baby chickens, playing with farm dogs and cats, and running behind hens and roosters at her grandparent’s farm in Colombia, where she was born and raised. There, she fell in love with climbing trees, eating truly organic produce, and enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice every morning. Yet, her biggest childhood dream, to have her own pet, never came to realization then for one reason or another.
After losing her mom to cancer at a young age, she emigrated to the US to pursue medicine, following a non-traditional path that led her to complete her medical degree in Puerto Rico. Rosa welcomed the opportunity to lead her school’s Therapy Dog Club and partnered with local no-kill animal shelters and non-profits to spread awareness about animal rescues and bring dog therapy to hospitals, elderly homes, and schools, including her own.
Through one of these organizations, she and her husband made their best decision yet: to foster and, soon after, adopt Joanne, a 3-year-old pittie girl found malnourished in a parking lot following Hurricane Maria’s aftermath. Joanne became not only the realization of her childhood dream but also one of her biggest inspirations; she now believes “reactive” dogs are often misunderstood souls who, like humans, can experience trauma, and with gentle love, patience, and structured assistance, can learn to maneuver a world not always kind to them.
Her biggest accomplishment remains to have persevered to bring her pittie girl with her when she relocated to Miami for residency training. Although on December 2024 Joanne received assistance to cross rainbow bridge following six years of chemotherapy and yearly surgeries for Hemangiosarcoma—discovered when adopted, Rosa credits her forever pittie for 99% of the pet care knowledge she had before joining our team and often wonders who rescued who in the end.
Nowadays, Rosa enjoys surrounding herself with the green outdoors, watching independent films solo, trying new restaurants with her husband, and drawing, painting, and writing poetry when inspired. Today, Rosa has taken an additional oath to care for our client’s pets with the utmost dedication and patience she used to care for her pup—her personal way of honoring her.