Travel happens. Thankfully.
But when you’re away, your pets still need love and affection, not to mention, basics like food and water.
While you’re globetrotting, we step up to ensure your pets are fed, cared for, snuggled, and given the care they need. Our Pet Sitting services include daily visits so that your pets are properly cared for – and don’t feel left behind. We require a minimum of 3 daily visits – but you can certainly book as many visits as you like to make your pets feel comfortable.
Pet Sitting is not limited to one type of animal. We offer pet sitting services for all your pets: dogs, cats, birds, rodents, reptiles, pocket pets, and even fish!
What’s a pocket pet? You’ll know it when you see it.
Additionally, we offer late night visits – which are between the hours of 9pm and 10pm. This 25-minute visit is recommended for anyone whose pets need that extra just-before-bed walk or late-night snuggle, especially seniors and puppies.
When you’re out of town, or busy with life, it’s important to get the right care for your pet(s). Mix and match the visits that works best for your scheduling needs.
+$5 for each additional pet
+$5 for each additional pet
+$5 for each additional pet
+$5 for each additional pet
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