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Downtown Miami Pet Sitter Spotlight: Susan Eskamani

Downtown Miami pet sitter

Downtown/Brickell Pet Sitter Spotlight: Susan Eskamani

At Equipaws, we have been dreaming about expanding our business in the Downtown Miami area for months. We have had many inquiries, but did not have the sufficient help in the area. That is where the newest member of our team Susan Eskamani comes in! Susan has gladly taken on the challenge of developing our business and caring for all new Downtown Miami and Brickell pets. This is an exciting step for our company and we couldn’t do it without her support and knowledge.

Susan’s Origin Story

Originally from Fort Lauderdale, Susan headed to Miami after graduating from the University of Alabama, where she majored in International Studies. She has always had a passion for animals  and has worked with them throughout her life; at a kennel, veterinary office and even Jungle Island right here in Miami.

Susan was looking for a new career in the animal world, stumbled upon Equipaws Pet Services, and began to research.  “I was impressed by their great reviews, earned rewards, and volunteer work for animals in Miami.  I was also intrigued by dog walkers and pet sitters being a part of a team and employees versus independent contractors.”  Susan was touched by the company’s mission and knew she would be a great fit for Equipaws as we share the same passion for animal care.

Why Susan loves to pet sit:

The best part of Susan’s day is walking into a smiling face and wagging tail greeting her at the door. Creating happiness and excitement for pets is the most rewarding part of her job. Her goal is to improve the wellbeing of all of our clients and expand her insight on cats and dogs.

Susan’s feathered family: Not only did Equipaws find a star Downtown Miami pet sitter, but Susan got a pet sitting service of her own! Currently, her babies are three Indian Ring Necks: Blue, Greenie, and Zima (which means “white” in Russian), whom she hand-raised from hatchlings. As a protective pet parent she has never traveled away from her feathered babies. Now, that she has Equipaws at her fingertips, she feels confident she can fly the coop and explore!

For any bird lovers, Susan recommends rubber toys and anything made of wood material that they can tear. Birds enoy any sort of fruit and nuts, and she keeps her birds stocked with these healthy treats!

When she’s not taking care of your pets in Brickell, Downtown Miami, and Coconut Grove, she is a veteran runner, spending most of her spare time jogging or cycling through the beautiful city of Miami.

Expert bird and small animal pet sitter:  In addition to her 30 years of bird care experience, she is highly educated with small fur babies, such as rabbits and guinea pigs! Susan can’t wait to expand her knowledge of working with all shapes and sizes of dogs, cats and other critters. We welcome her expertise and loving personality!  Her eager attitude to grow the company and work with animals was compelling, we couldn’t say no!

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