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Dog Walking Safety: Miami’s Most Poisonous Plants

Top 5 Poisonous Plants for Dogs in Miami

Our pet sitters and dog walkers walk dogs around our neighborhoods regularly and love the landscaping in Miami’s homes. We have all noticed the gorgeous variation of colors in the flowers and shrubbery. But did you know that many of those plants are toxic, and potentially deadly, to your pets? We’d like to share what we discovered about local plants poisonous to animals in Miami, below.

We were surprised to find so many of our beautiful ornamental plants are toxic, and some even deadly-we’re talking one leaf will kill an adult human deadly. First up, Nerium oleander.

Nerium Oleander: The U.S. National Library of Medicine states “This plant is extremely toxic, and a single leaf may kill an adult.” Univeristy of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine Poison Control Center states “All parts, especially oleander, are poisonous. Some skin irritation is possible through contact, most poisonings occur by eating or chewing the plant, or by breathing in smoke from burning plants. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, dizziness, low blood pressure, slow heart rate and seizures.” Serious stuff. Avoid like the plague when walking by it. This include your kids and dogs. Cats are more difficult to control. Lily of the valley and Fox gloves also contain a similar poison. Please take care to avoid ingestion.

Common Lantana: chances are you have seen these colorful flower clusters covering fences around schools and shrubs. They produce berries that children sometimes may eat, which you must avoid. They’re very beautiful, and also toxic to both dogs and cats.

Symptoms include: vomiting, diarrhea, labored breathing, and weakness. Liver failure is more commonly seen in livestock.

Rattlebox: We have never seen this before, but it lives in backyards. The whole plant is poisonous, the seeds particularly so. Symptoms of ingestion include: weakness, confusion, and jaundice from liver damage. Animals may die months after eating crotalaria.

Avocado: This is a big one. Almost every one has an avocado tree in their backyard, or at least in their neighborhood.Â

Castor Bean: Ricin

If your pet ingested this plant, contact your local veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435.*Â

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