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dog walker pet sitter Coconut Grove

A day in the life of a dog walker in Coconut Grove

Coconut Grove dog walker

A day in the life of a dog walker in Coconut Grove

6:30 AM – Rise and Shine!

The day starts early with a cup of coffee and a quick breakfast. We pet sitters and dog walkers need all the energy they can get for a day full of furry adventures! I wake up super excited to see all the dogs and kitties on my schedule and take good care of them. My morning routine includes re-checking my pet-sitting schedule and making sure all necessary supplies, like leashes, treats, poop bags, and water, are ready. If rain is in the forecast, I grab my cute Equipaws rainjacket, extra socks, sneakers, and galoshes. 

Daily dog walking Coconut Grove


7:00-10:00 AM Morning Pet Setting Visits and Dog Walks

I usually start my day with a 60-minute Pet Sitting Visit for my boy Benito. He is a beautiful, energetic Doberman. Every dog has a unique personality, and Benito is sassy and smart. We usually play fetch in the backyard, and he always wins, but it’s okay because I love him. I give him water, clean his paws, and, last but not least, give him a bunch of cuddles. Each visit is fun and different – feeding, cleaning the bowls, scoping litter boxes for cats, practicing manners and commands, walking, and playing are all my duties.

To me, it’s vital that the pups and cats feel loved and cared for while their parents are away. I treat them with the same love and compassion as my dogs. I send daily pet care journals after every dog walk with tons of pictures of the pups having a blast and important information like how their stool was, how often they peed, and anything else the pet parent should know about their dog’s health. 

Daily play time, exercise, enrichment, and dog walking Coconut Grove

10:00 AM- 4:00 PM Midday Dog Walks

It’s time to get our steps in! During this timeframe, I usually have my midday walks scheduled. We have 25, 35, and 45-minute walk options, and I love how many different dogs (golden retrievers, goldendoodles, rescues) I see in such a few hours! My schedule keeps me in the same area, so I have a route I take around Coconut Grove. I love the beautiful neighborhoods with tons of oak trees and shade!

The dogs I walk are full of energy and excited to explore their neighborhood. The sun is high, so keeping the dogs cool and hydrated is essential. I’m always prepared with extra water for me and the pups. On hot days, we take the routes with a lot of shade and stay off the pavement and on the cool grass. We take plenty of rest and water breaks and return early for indoor playtime in the air conditioning. 

One of my favorite things about being a dog walker is exploring Miami’s beautiful neighborhoods and discovering new places I didn’t know existed. Strolling through places like the Grove (hello, gorgeous oak trees, dog-friendly restaurants, and cute little boutiques!) is incredibly relaxing, as is seeing all the beautiful houses. 

Walking doesn’t just benefit the dogs; it also provides numerous benefits for me. It helps me stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle by reducing stress and improving my mood. Plus, the fresh air and sunshine always give me a great boost for my overall well-being.

1:00 PM – Lunch Break (for Humans and Dogs!)

Time to refuel with a quick lunch break! This is also a good time to finish updating pet parents with pictures and journals about how their pets are doing. At the end of each visit, we send the pet parents a journal, where we recap and provide details about the visit and send fun pictures. We know they miss their doggies! This is one of my favorite parts about being a dog walker. I get to be creative by writing fun, personalized stories and journals. This allows me to connect with the pet parents on a deeper level.  At Equipaws Pet Services, we value a good and trusting relationship with all of our clients. We understand the massive responsibility of caring for their fur babies, and we are committed to providing the best care and attention to ensure their well-being and happiness.

I also have time to connect with my coworkers during lunch. We keep each other updated and share pictures of the dogs and kitties, tips, and memes, as we all do this passionately. Equipaws makes my job easy and enjoyable by providing support and advice and answering all my questions. I also love that we organize many dog-friendly events and activities to bond as a team and connect with the community.

evening pet sits, cat sitting, Coconut Grove


6:00 PM – Evening Pet Sits and Dog Walks

As the day winds down, it’s time for evening visits! This includes another round of feeding, walking, and playtime in preparation for rest. We ensure the pets are settled and happy for the night with final potty breaks, extra cuddles, and dinner or bedtime snacks. Some pet parents opt for late-night pet visits so that their seniors or puppies have an extra potty break. This is also when some pets get medications and when we make sure the homes are secure for the night. 

Special Requests and Errands

Some clients have special requests, such as a vet visit, grooming appointment, overnight stay, or quick emergency visit. Overnight stays with dogs are fun sleepovers with pups (or even cats) who need the extra company. Flexibility is key, as each day can bring new and unexpected tasks. Love the unexpected!

Why I Love Being a Pet Sitter and Dog Walker in Coconut Grove

Being a pet sitter and dog walker in Coconut Grove is incredibly rewarding. The bond I form with each pet, the trust earned from their parents, and the satisfaction of knowing you’ve made a difference in these pets’ lives are priceless. Each day is filled with wagging tails, happy barks, and purrs of contentment. The joy and love these animals give make every early morning, long walk, and playful session worth it. Their excitement and affection remind me daily why I chose this fulfilling path – it’s not just a job, it’s a passion.

So, if you’re ever wondering what it’s like to walk in the shoes of a pet sitter or dog walker, remember it’s a blend of fun, lots of responsibility, and endless affection from our four-legged friends!


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