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Professional Pet Sitting &
Dog Walking Services In Miami

Alyssa Martin

Pet Care Specialist

Coconut Grove Dog Walker


 Alyssa was born and raised in Miami. The firstborn of 9 siblings, Alyssa grew up on a farm with many different animals with her family in the Redlands. She decided to join Equipaws Pet Services in order to enjoy being in beautiful nature, the good energy the pets bring, and to meet new friends. Alyssa loves to read and expand her knowledge in many fields, and she also takes any opportunity to be outdoors. Alyssa is very dedicated to fitness and health, so she teaches cycle as a side hobby. She’ll be walking dogs in Coral Gables and Coconut Grove!



Let’s build a structured care plan for you. Whether it’s regular dog walks or runs, daily visits for your kitties,
or simply an overnight stay while you’re traveling – we’ve got you covered.