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Professional Pet Sitting &
Dog Walking Services In Miami

About Equipaws

As pet owners, our pets are our family. Being able to provide them with the care they need is of the utmost importance. And finding the right pet sitter or dog walker can seem daunting.

We get it. We’ve been there.

And that’s why we founded Equipaws Pet Services. We wanted to provide a trusted resource for pet parents across Miami for all those times when you’re stuck late at work, heading out on vacation, or just wanting to stay out with friends and family that extra hour.

We also know that pets need more than just a quick bathroom run or a verified full bowl of food from their pet sitters and dog walkers.

Equipaws team posing with an Instagram frame at the South Miami Rotary Art Festival

Your pet. Your plan.

All pets need love and affection. They need exercise and the benefits that come from maintaining a healthy, balanced schedule. They need to feel safe. Just as much as you need to feel reassured that your pet is in good hands. Scratch that – Great hands.

We customize care plans for your pet – because, just like people, every animal needs something different. We go to extensive lengths to maintain trust and shoulder the responsibility of caring for your pet – whether it’s a dog, cat, bird, reptile, or rodent – we know the ins and outs of exceptional care and work with you to create a care plan that works for your schedule and needs.

Our team is comprised of true professional dog walkers and pet sitters and led by sisters Flavia and Franca Berti. Read more about our team and take a peek at all of our offered pet care services.

Perro, Like™

Croqueticas, pastelitos, cortaditos and animalitos. Here in Miami, we like a good thing when we see it. And our pups are no different. That’s why created our favorite Miami-infused tees for pet lovers all across our Magic City. Because…Perro, Like Equipaws is the best pet care provider in town!


Let’s build a structured care plan for you. Whether it’s regular dog walks or runs, daily visits for your kitties,
or simply an overnight stay while you’re traveling – we’ve got you covered.