Seeking amazing pet caregivers.

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Professional Pet Sitting &
Dog Walking Services In Miami


Pet Care Specialist

Lauren was born and raised in Chicago, IL. She went to the University of Illinois and graduated with a Bachelors in Integrative Biology. Shortly after college she moved to San Diego, CA where she worked in a doggy day care, getting a chance to run around and play with lots of great pups everyday. She then moved to Miami to pursue her dream career of animal training. Lauren is so excited to be working with dogs and cats again, getting to learn their funny personalities and giving their pet parents peace of mind while they’re away on vacation.

Lauren is a fur mom to two cats and one sassy 17 yr old dachshund named Cookie. In her free time she loves to relax at the beach, hang out with friends, and paint.




Let’s build a structured care plan for you. Whether it’s regular dog walks or runs, daily visits for your kitties,
or simply an overnight stay while you’re traveling – we’ve got you covered.