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Need a pet photographer in Miami, FL?

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Convenient Pet Portrait Sessions with MaxNorman Photography Now Available!  (We’ve got you covered!)

Our pet sitters hang out with your pets daily and take tons of photos for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter… We do our best with our camera phones, but your beautiful babies deserve to be captured by a professional. That’s why we have partnered with MaxNorman Pet Photography.

Our pet sitting and boarding clients have two pet photography options:

Mini-portrait session with your pooch or kitties brings: 5 web ready (meaning lo-res) digital files, 1 – 8×10 print, and access to your own private online gallery to order more prints or digital files. The price for this session is $55.

The full pet portrait session takes about an hour and includes: 20-30 hi-res digital files, $25 print credit and a disc with all the beautiful images. The charge for that would be $135.

We are thrilled that John approached us for this special offer for our clients. Not only is he a professional photographer. John is an avid animal lover and regularly volunteers his talent and skills at Miami-Dade Animal Services, photographing the dogs and cats in the shelter. A portion of all his pet portrait sessions get donated to local rescue groups.

Instructions for choosing your photos:

You can select your choice of pet portrait session (mini or full) on Power Pet Sitter when you make your appointment for pet sitting, dog walking, or boarding and pay for it with your regular service. John will work with your pet sitter outside of your home to capture your baby’s perfect angles. You will receive an email from John once he has the photographs ready, within a week, with a link to your private gallery and instructions on how to select your favorite photos.

Take a look at our gallery of John’s first portrait session with one of our good clients, Miss Gracie. He has captured her beauty and playfulness beautifully! Let us know what you think in the comments, below!


  • Jen Ford

    John of MaxNorman Pet Photography is very talented. I have my dogs’ pictures all over my home from a few sessions that he has done. I’m so happy he was able to take beautiful pictures of my Daisy before she passed.

    • Frankie Berti

      Jen, I’m so sorry your Daisy passed, but she could not have been memorialized better by anyone else. John has a way with animals, as you know! We have several clients who’ve worked with him and loved what he’s done- to the point where they hired him for family portraits, too. 🙂 We’ll be sharing his contact information with all of our clients!

  • aimee cabo nikolov

    i would like to make an appoitment for this afternoon. thanks

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