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Help Miami’s Dogs and Cats! Join Us for the Humane Society of Greater Miami’s Mega Match-A-Thon

Humane Society of Greater Miami's adopt-a-thon.

Join Pet Sitter Flavia Berti at Dog and Cat Mega Match-A-Thon!

We are are always happy to help dogs and cats in need in Miami! That’s why pet sitter Flavia Berti (owner of Equipaws Pet Services) will be supporting the Humane Society of Greater Miami’s Mega Match-a-thon this Saturday, October 19, from 9:00 am til 9:00 pm. The event is taking place in beautiful Tropical Park, at 7900 Bird Road in Miami. Adoptions start at $30 and parking is free!

This nationwide event is sponsored by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), and will hopefully result in the adoption of hundreds of cats and dogs! This is the perfect time for anyone in your life to find the new family member they’ve been wanting. Over 500 cats and dogs of all breeds, colors, personalities, and sizes will be ready to meet their new parents. There will be a puppy and kitten adoption kick-off at 9:00 am (imagine the cute overload!).

The Mega Match-a-thon is a labor of love. We are so excited to be a part of helping these deserving, but homeless, fur babies find their new homes. The ASPCA has granted nearly $270,000 to support these large-scale adoption events. Thirty-seven communities nationwide will be holding their own huge adoptathons on the same day.

Take your family with you! There will be a Kid’s Arena with fun games for children. Local Miami businesses will be volunteering, and there will be food, refreshments, an entertainment program, DJ’s, and live bands. The ASPCA and Humane Society of Greater Miami are pulling out all the stops for this great cause.

To get involved or for more information about the ASPCA Mega Match-a-thon™ event, please call 305-749-1818 or visit the Humane Society of Greater Miami’s website.

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