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Professional Pet Sitting &
Dog Walking Services In Miami

What Our Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Clients Mean To Us

 Thank You All for Being Amazing Clients!

We have to admit to being extremely busy with pet sits, dog runs, and doggy play dates all round Miami (pictured, left, with the fabulous Pamela Bond of Pamela Bond Skin Fitness and and her spa pups, Juniper and Lollie). And everyone we know is very busy these days, with Halloween next week, Thanksgiving around the corner, and Christmas and Hanukkah decorations already for sale… So, we feel  like it’s time to stop and count our blessings, and they all come down to this: you, our clients, are our greatest blessing, and our lifeline. What does that mean?

We depend on you for our livelihoods and fulfillment of our amazing careers. Without you, we can’t have these amazing moments where we get to see your pets transform, help them grow, and love life!

We are here to do the best we can for you and your pets, so we try our hardest to be a reliable resource for you. We’re happy to recommend great groomers in your area, happy to be on stand-by during pregnancies (which we’ve done before!), and very happy to helping you find the perfect pet supply store (looking at you, Animal Crackers!). We want to provide peace of mind for our human clients, and LOTS of love, fun, and physical and mental stimulation for our furry and feathered clients.

We just wanted to send a quick thank you to all of our clients who have been with us from our very beginnings. We are so grateful and feel so blessed to have you in our lives.

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